
Sustainability initiatives in Housing and Residence Life

Sustainability Education Coordinator
This new position seeks to collaborate with various entities in Education City to increase awareness on topics of sustainability. It will achieve this by developing educational programs in association with EC faculty, staff and students, and serving as a resource for best practices in the sustainability field.

Anyone interested in getting involved in projects, activities, events or simply having a chat about anything related to sustainability should contact Christopher Silva at or 4454-0370.

The Sustainability Learning Community (SLC) is a new opportunity available to all women living in our residence halls. A selected number of residents have the opportunity to reside in Villas 1 &2 located west of the FB2 building. Community members will be part of a unique living-learning experience focused different aspects of sustainable practices in their everyday lives. As a member of this community members will be able to:
  • Define sustainability;
  • Explain how sustainability relates to their lives, values and how their actions impact issues of sustainability;
  • Utilize their knowledge of sustainability to change their daily habits and consumer mentality;
  • Explain how various systems are interrelated;
  • Learn and practice change agent skills;
  • Learn how to apply concepts of sustainability to their university and community by engaging in the challenges and solutions of sustainability;
  • Learn how to apply concepts of sustainability globally by engaging in the challenges and the solutions of sustainability in a world context.
Programming is based around the learning outcomes described above and include fieldtrips to local areas such as the desalination plant, recycling facilities, and vegetable souq. In the villas themselves there are faculty dinners, film screenings, and energy competitions. Residents of the SLC are expected to actively participate in all major events of the community and also reflect on their experiences by contributing to the community blog and SWALIF once a semester. Students who actively participate in the learning community, will receive a certificate in sustainability as well as recommendation letters and public mention in local newsletters, websites and other types of media.

If you are interested in learning more about the SLC or if you wish to apply to live in this community, please contact Jessica Young, Residence Hall Director at

Sustainability website:
Also, check it out! The villas have their own blog on sustainability in Qatar! Read their updates at

Sustainable Living Ambassadors
Sustainable Living Ambassadors (SLAs) are student staff leaders responsible for facilitating a sustainable living program. The SLA position is a paid, part-time (5 hours per week) commitment. SLAs work closely with, and reports directly to designated Office of Faculty & Student Services staff. The SLAs work to develop a sustainable presence in Education City by providing educational programs and events for students. Further expectations are outlined below:
  • Engage students in issues of conservation and personal environmental responsibility
  • Work with Housing and Residence Life to identify conservation projects in the HRL community
  • Act as liaison between students and administrators on issues of sustainability and efficiency
  • Develop creative outreach materials (posters, e-mails, eco boards, etc.)
  • Assist in organizing sustainable living competitions in the residence halls
  • Facilitate recycling and energy audits in the residence halls
  • Attendance at mandatory weekly Green Team meetings
  • Participation in special events and campaign activities

Look for SLAs around your hall and be ready to participate in events coming up such as the beach cleanup, the recycling competition, and energy competitions between halls!

Also, if you are looking for a great part-time job and are interested in becoming an SLA for this semester or in the future, please contact Chris Silva .

Eco mugs and clamshells:
To encourage waste reduction, all new residence hall students receive their own reusable mug (biodegradable, made from corn plastic) and a reusable take-away container called “Eco Clamshell”. Students are expected to bring these items to any events that provide food, as no plates or cups are provided at programs. If every new student uses these recycled materials, think of how much waste is reduced over the course of one school year!!