Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pest Control - December 19-23

Dear Residents,

Please be advised that we will be conducting our semi-annual pest control in all residence hall buildings and villas the week of December 19-23, 2010. Please mark your calendars now! More details, including which buildings will be affected on which days that week will be provided closer to the time, but a few things to bear in mind:
  • All residents have to be out of the building from 9.00am to 5.00pm the day that their residence hall is scheduled. You are welcome to visit any other same gender social room, go to the rec center, branch campus etc.
  • All food items have to be stored in refrigerator or in another sealed location.
  • All items (cutlery, crockery, glass and plates) which are kept in the wall cabinets and base cabinets have to be washed before using them.
  • As we are going to be spraying throughout the apartment, bedroom doors should be left open.
  • The skirting to the base cabinets in kitchen will be removed by the maintenance and sprayed under the cabinets.

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