Each month, the RHDs will recommend a book, movie, article etc... that we enjoyed recently. We welcome any feedback about the items we recommend.
Book: Don’t Be Sad by Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni
Don’t Be Sad offers readers pragmatic, practical advice of how to view life through the eyes of Muslims in order to overcome the trials and tribulations of life. Drawing sources from the commandments of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala), the Sunnah, and the Qur’an, as well as Eastern and Western philosophers, al-Qarni provides concise, easy to understand examples of how to incorporate a more positive outlook into one’s life. The topics covered in the book include: boredom, criticism, charity, learning, forgiveness, and grief. The book is easy to digest and is meant to be read in small sections so as to encourage thoughtfulness and reflection. Not a traditional “self-help” text, I recommend this book for anyone interested in living a happy, joyful, peaceful life.
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