Monday, October 24, 2011

CDA Spotlight

CDA Spotlight

Noor Daqaq is a new CDA this year in SB2-11. She is a sophomore studying business administration at CMU. You may recognize Noor on the CMU basket ball team where she plays point guard! Noor loves, traveling and learning about different cultures, especially Spain, her favorite country. She says, “La vida es Buena en Espana,” (read: life is good in Spain.) She loves the ambiance and the Spanish language and is planning to put on a CDA program about the country.

Noor likes being part of a community and getting involved in everything, and being in contact with the residents in the building. These are her favorite things about being a CDA. Upon graduating, Noor would like to work in the corporate field or possibly work in media. Remember her as she may be a future CEO someday!

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