Saturday, January 15, 2011

Clarification on Apartment Access

Reminder on Staff’s Access to Your Apartment

QF employees and/or contract service providers shall provide general maintenance of assigned space in terms of cleaning and repair. During the semester and vacation periods, routine maintenance and cleaning will be done on schedules developed by QF. Students shall inform QF Housing and Residence Life, within a reasonable amount of time, of any special maintenance or repairs required. A maintenance or repair request is treated as permission to access the assigned student space without prior notice: To ensure that proper care is being taken of space, QF’s authorized agents and employees shall have the right, after having first given reasonable notice, to enter and/or to inspect the space from time to time. Authorized QF agents or employees have rightful access to assigned space without prior notice in cases of emergency, damage, personal injury, safety, health, or casualty. In addition, authorized staff members of Housing and Residence Life may access student’s space in situations where there is probable cause to believe that a violation of law or QF regulation has or is taking place. In such circumstances, if the concerned occupant denies access, authorized staff members of Residence Life shall have forceful right of access to that space.

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